Nicole den Braver is an assistant professor in the department of Epidemiology & Data Science in the Amsterdam UMC. Her
research is focussed on the impact of living environment and policy changes on health, and the effective implementation of (health) policies. She is committed to foster synergy between academia
and practice.
Nicole co-leads the evaluation of reduced speed limits to 30 km/h on health, behavioural and social outcomes in the
cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Furthermore, she was the principal investigator in the national implementation of the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI), funded by ZonMw. Building on this, she is
work package lead within the ERA4Health funded IMPAQT consortium (Improving Physical Activity
policies and their impact of health equity). She is further involved in the EXPOSOME-NL consortium. Nicole is a coordinator in the Amsterdam Prevention Network.
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Read her research
output here